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Furbee SPECIAL Cormo wool top spinning fiber Driftwood

$ 22.00

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What is the Furbee Special?  Why’s it is none other than fiber that the purrfect fur-ball thought was something for him.  I have not been offering these fibers for sale because he has either pounced on them or thought they were something to taste test. They are perfectly useable and I thought it would be fun to start offering a tiny discount to you guys because they aren’t perfect and might have small imperfections or could have been in Furbee’s mouth (most definitely were). So here are the Furbee SPECIALS!

The Cormo breed began in the 1960's in Australia when Corriedale and  Merino sheep were crossed to create a breed which is dual purpose meaning they are suitable for both the wool and meat industries.  The fleece micron ranges from 17-23 depending on age and breeding. The staple length is long between 3.5-5" and fleeces can weigh up to 12 pounds each.

4 ounces of cat loved fiber. All Photo shows show bottle braids in addition to all  spots  loved on by our favorite boy.

Photos are taken by Stephanie of Deep Dyed Yarns using an iPhone in a light box  No fancy trick photography.  Colors may vary between dye lots.