Lunabud's Blog
Georgia Alpaca and Fiber Festival 2014

The Georgia Alpaca Fiber Festival was held September 12-14th at the Columbus Convention and Trade Center in Columbus, GA. This was the third year to the festival and I was thrilled to be a part of it! Each year this festival gets better and this year did not disappoint!

As luck would have it my friends from the Pensacola, FL Barnes & Noble knit night were able to make it and we had a fabulous time visiting and chatting. One of my favorite festivals of the year is the Great Gulfcoast Arts Festival which is held in Pensacola on the first full weekend every year. And, the LunabudKnits booth has been lucky enough to be juried in for the past 5 years! It also is a much needed mini vacation at the end of the fall festivals!

I even had a little time to get in some shopping of my own!

Brought back two pitcher plants and love them.

Unfortunately, someone left their pumpkin fudge in my booth and never came back for it. Fortunately, it was delicious and was my dinner on Sunday night!